Genevieve Bates

Research Assistant

B.A. Psycholosy

M.Sc Physiolosy

Project : Molecular mechanics of telokin


Contact Genevieve Bates


I study muscular dystrophy at the molecular level using the mdx (dystrophic) mouse model. Since, it is now believed that the lack of the protein dystrophin in Duchenne muscular dystrophy may affect muscle proteins such as the myosin molecular motor, I use the in vitro motility assay to study disorder at the molecular level. I am looking for differences in the velocity and force generating capabilities of the protein myosin from healthy and dystrophic mouse diaphragms. Relative force of the two myosins can be determined using either the Mixed-myosin or the Alpha-actinin assay.

(see figures and videos)

I also investigate the effects of the smooth muscle protein telokin on the mechanics of thiophosphorylated (permanently activated) myosin.


1) Click on the image to enlarge.


2) Click on the image to enlarge.


Alpha-Actinin Assay: In this assay, alpha-actinin (red anchors) is bound to the coverslip as well as the actin filaments in order to exert a load on the filaments. More alpha-actinin will be required to fully inhibit motility in the presence of a stronger myosin.

3) Click on the image to enlarge.


In Vitro Motility Assay: This assay consists of myosin molecules, randomly adhered to a microscope cover slip, propelling fluorescently labeled actin filaments.

4) Click on the image to enlarge.


Mixed-Myosin Assay: Two different myosins, cycling at different rates, pull on the same actin filament and cause a reduction in velocity proportional to the relative force generated by each type of myosin.

5) Click on the image to enlarge.


*Warshaw figure*

Concentration vs. velocity curve normalized to max

a) slow myosin generates more force

b) both generate same force

c) fast myosin generates more force